07 October 2008

God's Minute Detail Of Perfection

They say, Eyes are the most beautiful part of the Human body as it not only attracts but also reveals the truth about a person. I personally love the eyes, cos that's where I get to learn about the person I am interacting with. The eyes reflect the kinda person you are - innocent, haughty, proud, generous, genuine...

So just the other day I was browsing thru Flickr.com and as I was randomly surfing thru the search results for 'eyes'... I came across these beautiful images. It just makes me feel awe at God's beautiful creation 'Man'. These are some of the pictures that were shot at real close proximity to the eyes. You can see how minutely detailed is the strucutre of the eye and how beautiful they are that nothing ever beats it... :)


Sandra said...

Pretty eyes!

Jesse Alex said...

Yeah they are very pretty... and really amazing to know how beautiful are the eyes actually created to be... :D

Anonymous said...

Like my eyes!