01 July 2008

Terrible Mumbai Rains...

So I woke up this morning... and there was a terrible rain. Checked my watch... and woah.. its 8.30am. I have to reach work at 9.30am. But I don't know why what went over me... I pulled my sheet over and got back to sleep. Until I realized I have to be at work in the next 45 mins...

I got up and began to read the newspaper... with the rains pouring like the sound of 1000 horses galloping around me. I was so hoping that my boss would call me up and tell me the office is closed due to rains and to stay at home... but I guess things dont work as you intend to all the time. So I began to get dressed up for work and left home with an umbrella... (cos the windsheaters wont really be of help in the Mumbai rains)

I realized sometimes to be too popular isnt that good. Every Auto rickshaw driver in my area know where I work. I thought it was a boon to me as I didnt have to tell them where I needed to go. They knew exactly where I wanted to alight. But this fateful day, all the rick drivers would see me from a distance and avoid me. So it was pretty aweful day for me.. I had to walk all the way to work today.

And I reached office by 10.00 am. There was no one at work. I was pretty happy... I wasnt caught coming in late. But guess what... My boss was there. and he had been expecting me since 9.30am. But he was pretty cool and didnt tell me anything about being late.

Today things are different at my work place. everyone walked in late and wet... and nobody feels like working... so do I... why do you think I took this time to blog it out... he he he :D

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