03 July 2008

Love your neighbour as yourself

This is a very beautiful article posted by my friend Samy Joanes

'It is not a punch line, it is a way of life.'

Love is one of the most discussed and debated subjects in the world – probably just as much as religion. There is so much conflict with this one word and the notion attached to it, that when we use the word we will only relate a man and a woman in love.

In the Bible, Jesus Christ states the second greatest commandment to love your neighbour as you love yourself. The commandment has got less to do with religion and more to do with our relationship with our immediate neighbour. Let us break this down into a much more simpler context for those to whom this will be difficult to comprehend. The first aspect is to think about all the things in life that you would not want anyone to do to yourself. After you do that, decide to follow the same principle and avoid the same things with others while dealing with them. Then there’s a second aspect to the same commandment – and this is where it gets tricky. Think of all the things that you would want for yourself, and then give the same in its completeness to your neighbour – regardless of who it is. This should not conflict with the first aspect in any way and if you know how to do that, then you have certainly understood it. Understanding and preaching this is easy. Now try living like this. Love has got no limits, reasons, explanations or meaning. It also needs to be done regardless of cast, creed, colour or position. It should just happen – unconditionally.

Let’s stop using love as a punch line and start working on it no matter what. You may not realize this today, but your neighbour needs this more than you think.

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