01 October 2009

Now That Sucks!!!

Yeah now that totally sucks that I got so busy all of a sudden.. and have posted just 2 posts in the last month... Woah!!! whats up with me?? he he

Guess I am just getting too busy these days... Lot of things happening in life and career... don't know where to start.. Well.. got a band manager at last.. one of my old college class mate, who promised me would finish MBA and become my band manager if I was serious about my band.. and Yes I am serious so there he keeps his word... :)

So there goes the band thing... pretty soon we would be playing a few gigs at places like Not Just Jazz By The Bay, Aura (Powai), Firaangi Paani... to name a few... but one of our most sorted out place is the Blue Frog. But we aren't sure how long would it take us to get to there... But nevertheless we are enjoying every moment of our lives now... :)

So Practically it doesn't suck... he he...


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