30 August 2011

Some funny thoughts

Was just on my friend Elliot's wall photos when I saw these really funny pictures. I thought maybe they belong here for you guys to have a good laugh at.. Some of them are so true and show's the sad reality of this post modern generation.

How things really work down here..

blame the spams?

remember this??

read and weep..

bottom-line: nobody cares a damn.. u shouldn't either... lol

the post modern man

the logo itself annoys me so much..

linux is the best..

Microsoft just acquired Skype... oh no, it's all coming true - Skynet is here!
Please, hurry John Connor and save us. Terminator doomsday is upon us

u sure can get away with this..

Political "stability" in Egypt vs others

perhaps the final sequel

my personal favorite


PJ said...

hahaha....funny!...IE best browser to download other browsers!...true!!

Jesse Alex said...

haha.. true PJ.. wish i had a like button haha :D